Here are three commonly known learning theories main categories or philosophical frameworks under which learning theories fall: behaviorism, cognitive and constructive. Behaviorism focuses only on the objectively observable aspec…
Education, Articles, How to, Learning
Here are three commonly known learning theories main categories or philosophical frameworks under which learning theories fall: behaviorism, cognitive and constructive. Behaviorism focuses only on the objectively observable aspec…
Average persons, unschooled in philosophical reasoning, assume that when they make a choice they are free to choose from among various alternatives , the simplest of which are to assent or deny – to say yes or no – to some simpl…
Limited companies attain their finances from myriad sources and what is ideal for one company might not work for another. In deciding on where to source finances, a limited company has to carry out a careful analysis of its needs…
Imperialism describes the domination of a one society or group over another, but this can happen in many different forms beyond colonial territory expansion. The key is that it involves the subjugation of an entire indigenous pop…
Business enterprises today are expected to meet standards of responsible business conduct that go beyond what had been expected traditionally. Although people more often than not still speak of business in terms of products, jobs…
A question I’m often asked is, “Are there any online jobs that pay daily, weekl…