Activate Windows 10 for Free (any version)

Activate Windows 10 for Free (any version)

Windows 10 operating system can be activated free without any software. All you need is just a code from me.
I will guide you through the steps to activate the windows, don’t worry its simple.
Step 1
Copy this code or DOWNLOAD .BAT FILE HERE
Step 2
Open note pad and paste it (skip to step 4 if you’ve already downloaded the .bat file)

Step 3
Select all files and save the name as .bat

Step 4
Run file as administrator 
You need to wait for about 10-15 seconds. Once you see the message which asks to restart your PC, you know it’s done. Simply type Y and press Enter.
Once you have restarted your computer, you no longer have to see that annoying activate Windows watermark. This is how you can activate Windows 10 without a key for free.